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Who's Backing Straw Candidate Joy DaCosta? DC Insider Josh Riley Isn't Talking

Riley Refuses To Answer Third Question In Three Weeks From Local Media 

Binghamton, NY --  A former Democrat from the Bronx is running a straw campaign to meddle in NY-19's November election and DC Insider Josh Riley 'declined to comment' on the candidacy in today's Politico New York Playbook. Is DC Insider Josh Riley supporting or financially backing the straw candidacy?

Flashback: For this third time in three weeks, Josh Riley has refused to answer questions from local media. Previously, he refused to answer a question from the Daily Freeman on Israel and did not respond to a question from Politico New York Playbook on bipartisanship. 

Matt Organ, campaign manager for the Molinaro campaign said, "Launching a petition operation from the Bronx with no connections in NY-19 would cost tens of thousands of dollars. So who's financially backing it? Josh Riley has the most to gain. If he has nothing to do with it, why won't he just say that?"

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