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While Nancy Pelosi and Josh Riley Own Stocks, Marc Molinaro Calls For Ban Of Owning Individual Stock

Catskill, NY – Speaker Nancy Pelosi has used insider information to buy and sell individual stocks, and yesterday a new report reveals that her husband sold Nvidia stock days before it became public that the government would restrict business between Nvidia and China.

Marc Molinaro is reaffirming his support for banning Members of Congress and their spouses from owning individual stocks because elected officials should be prohibited from enriching themselves from the information they receive in Washington.

While Molinaro does not own any stocks, according to the House Financial Disclosure form, his opponent Josh Riley owns up to $50,000 in Google.

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi has bought and sold Nvidia stock from insider information, which is wrong because our job is to serve the people, not our bank accounts,” said Marc Molinaro. “While my opponent Josh Riley owns up to $50,000 in Google stock, I grew up from humble roots and still do not own any individual stocks. If elected, my solution to address the corruption in Washington is to support legislation that bans all Members of Congress from owning individual stocks.”

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