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Where in the world is Antonio Delgado?

Red Hook, NY - Marc Molinaro, Dutchess County Executive and candidate for Congress today called on his opponent, Antonio Delgado to let voters know his position on New York City's new law allowing non-citizens to vote.

"Antonio Delgado needs to come out of hiding and let voters know if he supports allowing non-citizens to vote in our local elections" said Molinaro.

This week, New York City enacted a law allowing 800,000 non-citizens to vote in local elections. These individuals are only required to be in the country for thirty days before they are eligible to vote. The action is being challenged by a lawsuit as unconstitutional under New York's constitution.

Molinaro continued, "Allowing legal non-citizens the right to vote cheapens what it means to be an American and is an insult to all those hardworking immigrants who put in the hard work and swore an oath to our nation."

Antonio Delgado backs President Biden's bid to hijack state operation of elections, but has been silent on this issue and a host of other controversial issues in his own state.

Concluded Molinaro, "Where in the world is Antonio Delgado?"


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