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New Molinaro Ad Reveals DC Insider Josh Riley Had Job As 'Fixer' For Worst of the Worst

Riley Managed Reputational Crises For Harvey Weinstein & Big Corporations

Binghamton, NY -- Congressman Marc Molinaro’s Campaign today launched another ad in the digital series called the 'Real Josh Riley'. The ad series exposes DC Insider Josh Riley for his lies, flip-flops, extreme-left positions, and crooked associations.

The new ad exposes Josh Riley for leading his DC law firm's 'Crisis Management' team, where he advised clients on 'crisis management matters'. During Riley's tenure, his firm was paid by Harvey Weinstein to harass and silence women he sexually abused, kill stories detailing the abuse, and manage his PR and legal crisis. Riley also counted big corporations like Apple as clients when they too faced crises. 

Matt Organ, Campaign Manager for the Molinaro Campaign said, "When Josh visits New York, he wears a carhartt jacket and says he's for working people. But in DC, Josh is considered a 'fixer' for some of the worst of the worst. When powerful people and companies get into trouble, they turn to DC Insider Josh Riley to fix their problems."



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