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Molinaro To Participate Ulster County Candidate Forum, Josh Riley Skips Again To Avoid Questions About Open Border Plan

Binghamton, NY -- Tomorrow at 7:45am, Congressman Marc Molinaro will participate in a candidate forum with the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce. 

Like he did in 2022, DC Insider Josh Riley has again declined to participate in the forum. It comes as Josh Riley has been under fire for supporting plans that keep the border open and give taxpayer funded benefits like credit cards, hotels, and housing to illegal immigrants. 

Congressman Marc Molinaro said, "I'm excited to again participate in this forum and answer questions. This election is about priorities. My priority is putting Upstate New York families, farmers, small businesses first. Josh Riley puts illegal immigrants first and will support policies that keep the border open to criminals, spend billions of your tax dollars on perks for illegal immigrants, and bankrupt Social Security. That's why he's dodging voters, interviews, debates, and tomorrow's forum."


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